PAUL YOUNG celebrity for your future event

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PAUL YOUNG was born January 17th 1956. He was the middle child of three, has an elder brother Mark and a younger sister Joanne. His interest in music dates back to when he was very young, when he learnt to play the piano and then the guitar.




On leaving school he worked, as did his father and brother, for Vauxhall Motors and played in various bands at night. He played bass guitar in his first and second band, but always wanted to become the singer.




Photo © Alan Strutt




However his preferred style of music, blues and in particular soul, was not that popular in Luton. So his second band, Kat Kool & The Kool Kats, gave him a small section in the middle of the set where Paul chose to sing covers of Bill Withers and Albert King amongst others, as well as a couple of self penned songs.

This wasn’t enough though for PAUL YOUNG, and after hearing Paul’s demos at a local recording studio, he left the Kool Kats, and moved to London in 1976 taking up the offer to be in the better known Streetband.


Le célèbre chanteur PAUL YOUNG pour vos soirées privées d'entreprise

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PAUL YOUNG, né le 17 janvier 1956 à Luton, est un chanteur de pop britannique.

Impressionné par les grandes voix de la soul américaine dès son plus jeune âge, il apprend la basse et le piano à l'école puis il fait ses gammes dans les groupes Kat Cool et The Cool Kats (dans lequel il est bassiste uniquement), Streetband et Q-Tips qui tournent dans tout le Royaume-Uni.

En 1983, PAUL YOUNG enregistre les tubes Come back and stay et Love of the common people, extraits de l'album No Parlez qui est disque de platine dans plusieurs pays. Mais il connaît son plus grand succès en 1985 avec son interprétation de Everytime You Go Away de Daryl Hall (sur l'album The secret of association). En 1991, il sort un duo avec Zucchero Senza Una Donna, qui est un tube. Deux ans plus tard, il enregistre un dernier grand succès Now I Know What Made Otis Blue.



photo © James Hole