Le conférencier et speaker Jean Claude TRICHET

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JEAN CLAUDE TRICHET travaille comme inspecteur général des Finances. En 1978, il est conseiller technique à l'Élysée, sous la présidence de Valéry Giscard d'Estaing. En 1986, il est directeur de cabinet d'Édouard Balladur au ministère des Finances. Entre 1987 et 1993, il est directeur du Trésor. En 1993, il devient gouverneur de la Banque de France.

Le 1er novembre 2003, succédant à Wim Duisenberg, JEAN CLAUDE TRICHET devient le deuxième président de la Banque centrale européenne, poste qu'il occupe jusqu'au 1er novembre 2011. En 2007, le Financial Times le déclare personnalité de l'année pour sa gestion de la crise des subprimes.

En 2008 Trichet est devenu le dixième destinataire de la Vision pour l'Europe Award.
Par Jebulon — Travail personnel, CC BY-SA 3.0, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=10620979

JEAN CLAUDE TRICHET est membre d'honneur de l'Institut Aspen France, administrateur de l'Institute for International Economics un important think tank de Washington. Il fut invité au Bilderberg Meetings en 1995, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2003, 2004 et 2005. Il est membre du club Le Siècle. Jean-Claude Trichet est le président en exercice du groupe européen de la Commission Trilatérale.

Le 1er novembre 2011, JEAN CLAUDE TRICHET cède sa place à Mario Draghi, ancien président de la Banque centrale italienne. Pendant son passage à la tête de la Banque centrale européenne, son principal objectif est de lutter contre l'inflation.

Le 26 janvier 2012, le Conseil d’administration d’EADS a approuvé la nomination de Jean-Claude Trichet en remplacement d’Arnaud Lagardère au Conseil, où il représentera (avec Dominique d’Hinnin, directeur financier de Lagardère) la Sogeade, structure qui porte les intérêts des actionnaires français.




JEAN CLAUDE TRICHET is a French civil servant who was the president of the European Central Bank, a position he held from 2003 to 2011. He is also a member of the Board of Directors of the Bank for International Settlements.

Born in Lyon, France, JEAN CLAUDE TRICHET was educated at the École des Mines de Nancy, from which he graduated in 1964. He later trained at the Institut d'études politiques de Paris (best known as Sciences Po), finishing in 1966, and the École nationale d'administration (ENA) from 1969–1971, two French higher education institutions in the field of political science and state administration.

In 1987 JEAN CLAUDE TRICHET became a member of an influential Washington-based financial advisory body, the Group of Thirty. Later, in 1993 he was appointed governor of Banque de France. On 1 November 2003 he took Wim Duisenberg's place as president of the European Central Bank. (Most European Union leaders present at a 1998 special summit believed that Wim Duisenberg had agreed to a compromise with the French representatives and would step down from his office halfway through his eight-year term.

In 2008, JEAN CLAUDE TRICHET won the Vision for Europe Award for his contributions toward greater European integration.

He was awarded Grand Cross with Star of the Order of Merit of the Republic of Poland (2011).

On 1/26/2012, the board of the European Aeronautic Defence and Space Company approved the nomination of JC Trichet to the Board (to be formally validated by the General Assembly of shareholders on 5/31/12), where he will represent (with Dominique d’Hinnin of the Lagardère Group) the Sogeade - the structure bearing the French shareholders' interests.

On April 2012, JEAN CLAUDE TRICHET was also appointed Bruegel's new chairman for a period of three years. He will chair an 11-member Board, appointed by Bruegel’s members, whose main task is to make decisions on the think-tank’s strategy.

JEAN CLAUDE TRICHET succeeded Mario Monti as chairman of the European branch of the Trilateral Commission in 2012.

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