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FRANCIS PERRIN est expert en énergie et conférencier en géopolitique énergétique.

Etudes de sciences économiques et de sciences politiques à l’université Pierre Mendès France de Grenoble (UPMF). Thèse de doctorat de troisième cycle sur les compagnies pétrolières et l’énergie solaire et diplôme de l’IEP de Grenoble.
Président de Stratégies et Politiques Énergétiques (SPE), une société de presse spécialisée sur les questions énergétiques, notamment au Moyen-Orient, au Proche-Orient et en Afrique.
Directeur de la rédaction des bimensuels Pétrole et Gaz Arabes et Arab Oil & Gas, publiés par SPE et auparavant par le Centre arabe d’études pétrolières (Arab Petroleum Research Center).
Collaborateur de l’hebdomadaire Petrostrategies.


Rédacteur des chapitres sur le pétrole et sur les produits pétroliers pour CyclOpe (CyclOpe World Commodity Yearbook), un rapport annuel sur les marchés de commodités publié aux éditions Economica.
Cours à l’UPMF sur les organisations non gouvernementales et à l’Institut de Relations Internationales et Stratégiques (IRIS) sur la sécurité énergétique.


Conférence sur les thématiques du pétrole, gaz naturel, énergies, Moyen-Orient, Proche-Orient, Afrique, États-Unis, sécurité énergétique, politique énergétique de l’Union européenne, Mer Caspienne, Russie, Chine, énergie et géopolitique, aspects stratégiques de l’énergie, stratégies énergétiques, compagnies pétrolières, acteurs énergétiques, pétrole et droits de l’homme, pétrole et gaz non conventionnels, OPEP, printemps arabes et énergie, politiques énergétiques des pays arabes, États-Unis et indépendance énergétique, prix du pétrole, marchés pétroliers, pays producteurs et exportateurs de pétrole




Diploma of the Institute for Political Studies, University of Grenoble
Ph.D. in energy economics, Institute of Energy Policy and Economics (IEPE), University of Grenoble, May 1984


French and English read, spoken and written


1984-1990: Associate researcher, IEPE, Grenoble

Dec. 1986 to May 1988: Economic studies for the French utility Electricité de France (EDF)

1985-1990: Freelance consultant on energy and mining issues and freelance writer for several French economic publications including Arabies, L’Usine Nouvelle and Industries et Développement International

March 1991-May 2000: Executive editor of Arab Oil & Gas published by the Arab Petroleum Research Center (Paris)

1998-2001: Associate editor, Nord Sud Export (Paris) and MENA Petroleum Bulletin (London). Nord Sud Export is a specialized newsletter on country risk which was published at the time by the French daily Le Monde. MENA Petroleum Bulletin was published by SMi Publishing

May 2000-May 2001: Executive editor of Africa Energy Intelligence and Africa Mining Intelligence published by Indigo Publications (Paris)

May 2001-End December 2011: Editorial manager at the Arab Petroleum Research Center

Since 2000: Associate editor, Petrostrategies (Paris)

From 2005 onwards: Contributor to CyclOpe, a yearbook on world commodity markets published in Paris (Editions Economica). Author of the chapters on Petroleum and Refined Products. An English translation was published by the United Nations under the title World Commodity survey. Since 2008, this English edition is published by Economica under the title CyclOpe World Commodity Yearbook.

2006-2011: Associate Professor of economics at the University Pierre Mendès France of Grenoble (France) on the growing role of NGOs and their relationship with states, intergovernmental organizations and transnational corporations.

2009-2011:  two courses at the Institut de Relations Internationales et Stratégiques (IRIS, Paris), one on energy security and the other on the energy policies of the European Union; conferences on the Middle East’s oil and gas resources; energy issues in North African countries; and energy and the environment.

2011-13: courses at the University Pierre Mendès France of Grenoble on NGOs and at IRIS on energy security.

Since January 2012: Chairman of Stratégies et Politiques Energétiques (Energy Strategies and Policies - SPE, Paris;, a press and publishing company specialized on energy issues, especially in the Middle East and Africa, and Publisher and Editorial Manager of Pétrole et Gaz Arabes et Arab Oil & Gas.


→ Conferences on the economics of nuclear energy at Franco Belge de Fabrication des Combustibles (FBFC – a subsidiary of the French nuclear group Framatome)

→ Communications presented at several seminars organized in the second half of the 1980s by the Institute of Energy Policy and Economics (IEPE) and Enerdata in Grenoble

→ Communications presented at several seminars organized in the first half of the 1990s by the Arab Petroleum Research Center and the Franco-Arab Chamber of Commerce in Paris

→ Communication on “International and American sanctions: effectiveness and limitations” at the seminar of the Japanese Institute of Middle Eastern Economies (JIME), Tokyo, October 1997, on U.S. and UN sanctions

→ Communication on Algeria presented at the Algeria, Libya and Egypt Oil and Gas Summit organized in London by IBC UK Conferences in conjunction with Menas Associates (9-11 November 1998)

→ Communication on “The challenges facing Algeria’s oil and gas industry” presented at the Algerian Petroleum Summit organized in London by SMi (24-25 March 1999)

→ Communication on “The U.S.-Iraq relationship” presented at the Iraq Petroleum Summit organized in Paris by SMi (1-2 November 1999)

→ Communication on the “Main trends in the refining and petrochemical industries” at the Downstream 2000 conference organized in Dubai by IIR (30 January-1 February 2000)

→ Communication on “Algerian energy policy: new wine or new bottle ?” at the North Africa Oil & Gas Summit (IBC, London, 21-23 February 2000)

→ Communication on the “Key issues facing Algeria’s oil and gas industry” at the 2nd Algerian Petroleum  Summit (SMi, London, 22-23 May 2000)

→ Communication presented at Libya 2000 (SMi, Nice, France, 16-17 October 2000)

→ Conference on “The energy policies of African countries”, IEPE-Enerdata, Grenoble, 15 March 2001

→ Communication on “The UN-Iraq deadlock” at the Iraq Oil and Gas II conference (SMi, Nice, France, 21-22 May 2001)

→ Communication on “An assessment of Algeria’s new energy policy” at Algeria III (SMi, Algiers, 6-7 June 2001)

→ Communication on “Algeria: an ambitious gas policy” at the Africa Energy Forum (Lyon, France, 25 June 2001)

→ Communication on “Libya and the USA: modus vivendi or model of instability ?” presented at a workshop on Libya at the Crossroads organized by MEC International (London, 12 July 2001)

→ Communication on “Algeria’s relationship with the international oil industry” at the North Africa Oil & Gas Summit (IBC, London, 24-25 September 2001)

→ Communication on “Libya’s assets in the competition to attract foreign investment” at Libyan Oil & Gas III (SMi, London, 19-20 November 2001)

→ Communication at a seminar on Saudi Arabia organized by Nord Sud Export and Le Monde in Paris (14 March 2002)

→ Communications on “U.S. strategies towards Iraq and Libya” and on “Algeria’s upstream bid rounds: a first assessment” at MENA 2002 Oil and Gas Conference (Target Exploration, London, 19-20 September 2002)

→ Communication on “OPEC’s role in building and maintaining a stable and reliable oil supply” at a seminar on Oil and Foreign Policy (Cicero Foundation, Paris, 10-11 April 2003)

→ Communication on “The opening of the big Middle Eastern producers” at the MENA 2003 Oil and Gas Conference (Target Exploration, London, 16-17 September 2003)

→ Communication on “The security of oil and gas supplies from North Africa” at the NATO Advanced Research Workshop on Emerging Threats to Energy Security and Stability (Windsor Castle, UK, 23-25 January 2004). Published in Emerging Threats to Energy Security and Stability by Springer (The Netherlands) in 2005.

→ Communication on the basis for a structured inter-regional energy initiative between Africa and the Middle East presented at the 8th Africa Oil and Gas Trade and Finance Conference (UNCTAD, Moroccan Ministry of Energy and Mines, Onhym, Marrakech, 26-30 April 2004)

→ Communication on the strategies of the international oil industry at a seminar on the international oil market organized by the Laboratoire d’Economie de la Production et de l’Intégration internationale (formerly Institute of Energy Policy and Economics and part of the French National Center for Scientific Research – CNRS), Grenoble, 24 June 2004

→ Communication on “Libya coming from the cold: a threat to Algeria’s attractiveness ?” presented at the MENA 2004 Oil and Gas Conference (Target Exploration, London, 20-21 September 2004)

→ Communication on “The Iraq/foreign oil companies relationship: risks, uncertainties and strategies” presented at the Iraqi Oil & Gas conference (Target Exploration, London, 27-28 June 2005)

→ Communication on “The battle for Libya’s energy resources” presented at the MENA 2005 Oil & Gas Conference (Target Exploration, London, 22-23 September 2005)

→ Communication on “Are national oil companies able to ensure an adequate expansion of world supply ?” presented at a seminar on the international oil markets (Laboratoire d’Economie de la Production et d’Economie internationale, Grenoble, France, 11 October 2005)

→ Communication on “Is oil a curse ?” presented at the XIIth Rencontres internationales sur la prévention des conflits (Mémorial de Caen, Caen, France, 21 October 2005)

→ Communications on “The rise of natural gas: which role for Arab countries ?” and on “National oil companies in Arab countries: strategies and outlook” presented at a seminar on Oil and gas: an opportunity for Arab countries ? (Institut du Monde Arabe et Franco-Arab Chamber of Commerce, Paris, 17 February 2006)

→ Communication on “Is the third oil shock already here or is it on its way ?” presented at the Sprowstown Technical Seminar (Input Output, Norwich, United Kingdom, 14-16 March 2006)

→ Communication on oil and scarcity at a seminar organized by the CyclOpe Circle to celebrate the 21st edition of the CyclOpe annual report on commodities (Paris, 16 May 2007).

→ Conference on “Geopolitics of energy” at the Institut pour l’Etude de la Francophonie et de la Mondialisation (Institute for the Study of Francophony and Globalisation, IFRAMOND), Lyon, France (one conference each year since 2007). IFRAMOND is part of the University Jean Moulin, which is based in Lyon.

→ Communication on “Towards new partnerships between international oil companies and national oil companies” presented at the North African Oil and Gas Summit (The First Energy Exchange Ltd., Paris, 5-6 September 2007).

→ Conference on “The oil industry and human rights violations” at the Festival International de Géographie on 7 October 2007 (Saint Dié des Vosges, France).

→ Conference on “The new challenges facing the international oil industry” presented to a Korean oil delegation at Renaissance Hotel in Paris La Défense (2 November 2007).

→ Communication on “Key trade and development issues: an OPEC perspective” presented at UNCTAD Secretary General’s High-Level Multi-Stakeholder Dialogue on Commodities in the context of UNCTAD XII, Geneva, 28-29 January 2008.

→ Communication on “The development of gas resources in North Africa: towards new industrial partnerships” presented at a meeting of a working group of France’s Centre d’analyse stratégique, Paris, 8 September 2008.

→ Communication on the necessity of new industrial partnerships between national oil companies and international oil companies presented at the Tunisian Exploration and Production Conference organized by the Entreprise Tunisienne d’Activités Pétrolières (ETAP), Tunis, 15 October 2008.

→ Communication on the internationalization of Sonatrach in the downstream oil and gas sector presented at the North African Oil and Gas Summit organized by The Energy Exchange and held in Vienna (Austria) on 3-6 November 2008.

→ Communication on Libya and the oil rent and roundtable on the geopolitical impact of the current energy scene at a seminar on “The new oil nationalism: oil companies, geopolitics and development” organised by Critique internationale and the Centre d’Etudes et de Recherches Internationales (CERI)-Sciences Po Paris, Paris, 5 December 2008.

→ Communication on “Gas projects in North Africa: new partnerships between IOCs and NOCs” presented at the Euro-Arab Gas Forum organized by the Arab Petroleum Research Center and Paris Energy Forum, Paris, 19-20 March 2009.

→ Communication on “Fall in oil prices and world economic crisis: towards a restructuring of the international oil industry?” presented at the Petroserv exhibition (International exhibition of oil services and energy) in Sfax, Tunisia, organized by l’Association de la Foire internationale de Sfax, 28-31 May 2009.

→ Communications on « Middle Eastern oil and gas industry: the key trends » and « North Africa oil and gas industry : the key trends » presented at the MENA 2009 Oil and Gas Conference organized by Target Exploration (London, 28-29 September 2009).

→ Communication on “MENA petrochemicals industry: market outlook and its future” presented at the 3rd Annual MENA Petrochemicals Forum 2009 organized by Fleming Gulf and held in Doha, Qatar, 6-7 October 2009.

→ Communication on « North Africa’s investment opportunities : risks and rewards » presented at the North Africa Oil and Gas Summit 2009 organized by The Energy Exchange and held in Tunis, 27-29 October 2009.

→ Communication on « The refining industry and the world financial and economic crisis : strategies of the major oil companies » presented at the Geneva In-Sight conference organized by Academy & Finance (Geneva) and held in Geneva, 9-10 November 2009.

→ Roundtable on the scarcity of natural resources and relationships between states at a seminar organized by the Institut de Relations Internationales et Stratégiques (IRIS) et EDF, Paris, 16 December 2009.

→ Roundtable on “Natural resources and climate” at the Annual Strategic Conferences organized by the IRIS, Paris, 5 May 2010. This edition was devoted to “Sustainable development and geopolitics”.

→ Communication on the weight of China on the international oil market at a conference organized by CyclOpe, the French economic daily Les Echos and Euler on China and commodities, Paris, 18 May 2010.

→ Presentation on national oil companies in Saudi Arabia and in Iraq at a seminar on “Market and governance in the energy sector” organized by the Centre d’études et de recherches internationales (CERI, linked to Sciences Po Paris and the French CNRS), Paris, 6 July 2010.

→ Roundtable on the outlook for solar energy in the Mediterranean Basin at the SolarMed conference organized by the Arab Petroleum Research Center and Paris Energy Forum, Paris, 15-16 September 2010.

→ Communication on “Towards new orientations in Algeria’s energy policy?” presented at the North Africa Oil & Gas Summit organized by The Energy Exchange, Vienna, 2-4 November 2010.

→ Debate on Europe and energy sovereignty, Ecole de Management Léonard de Vinci, Paris, 14 April 2011.

→ Roundtable on the Arab Spring and the natural resources curse at a conference on World commodities markets organized by CyclOpe, Les Echos and Euler Hermes, Paris, 17 May 2011.

→ Communication on oil prices during hearings by a working group of the French National Assembly on the prices of commodities (the report of this group was adopted on 19 October 2011 by the Committee on Economic Affairs of the National Assembly.

→ Communication on the Gulf countries, hydrocarbons and the Arab Spring at a seminar on “Gulf countries: Hydrocarbons and economic and social reforms” organized by the Club du CEPII, Paris, 13 July 2011 (CEPII is the main French think-tank on international economic issues).

→ Communication on “The impact of the Arab Spring on the oil and gas industries and markets” presented at the MENA 2011 Oil & Gas Conference organized by Target Exploration, London, 19-20 September 2011.

→ Communication on the security of offshore oil platforms during hearings organized by the Conseil économique, social et environnemental (Economic, Social and Environmental Council), Paris, 19 October 2011.

→ Communication on “The impact of the Arab Spring on the North African oil and gas scene” presented at the North Africa Oil & Gas Summit organized by The Energy Exchange, Madrid, 26-27 October 2011.

→ Communication on «The impact of the Arab Spring on the oil industry and markets» at a seminar on Pétrole et actifs financiers : géologie, technologie, géopolitique - défis et mutations du marché pétrolier organized by La Française AM and Energy Funds Advisors, Paris, 17 November 2011.

→ Communication on the energy impact of the Arab Spring presented at a seminar organized by IRIS for EDF on 21 March 2012.

→ Roundtable on «The Middle East: roads of energy, threats and opportunities» in a seminar organized by the Université Total on New paradigms of global energy flows: unconventional resources, infrastructure projects, geopolitical challenges. This seminar was held at the headquarters of Total, Paris la Défense, on 9 May 2012.

→ Communication on the energy policies and strategies of Saudi Arabia and Qatar presented at a seminar organized by IRIS for EDF on 13 July 2012.

→ Roundtable on “Reshuffling energy cards in the Middle East and North Africa: snapshots” organized by the Center for Energy of IFRI, Brussels, on 19 September 2012.

→ On 25 October 2012 communication on the geopolitics of energy at the 5th M2E Seminar (Energy and Environment Jobs), organized by the IUT Cherbourg Manche and held in Saint-Lô (Normandy, France).

→ On 19 December 2012 communications on the possible closure of the Straits of Hormuz and on hydrocarbons and diplomacy in Qatar at a seminar on oil in the Middle East organized by the Middle East and North Africa division of the Swiss Federal Department of Foreign Affairs in Bern (Switzerland).

→ On 28 June 2013 communication on the energy relationship between Algeria and the European Union at a Franco-German seminar organized in Lille (France) by the Robert Bosch Stiftung with the DGAP (German institute for foreign policy) and IFRI.


Numerous interviews on oil and energy issues granted to various media, particularly France 24, France Télévisions, Radio France Internationale, Radio Méditerranée Internationale (Tangiers, Morocco), Radio Canada, Agence France Presse, LCI (part of the main French TV channel, TF1), the BBC, Algérie Presse Service, the Algerian and Moroccan state radios, Radio Algérie Internationale and several public and private French TV and radio channels.