Entrepreneure et communicante
Céline Puff Ardichvili est communicante et entrepreneure. Influenceuse un poil indignée, Céline a appuyé sur « pause » en reprenant ses études, pour intégrer dans son
métier les enjeux du développement durable dont elle voulait mieux comprendre les mécanismes, pour agir. Partenaire dirigeante au sein de l’agence Look Sharp, elle
s’emploie à donner de la visibilité aux acteurs du changement.
© Photo - Claire Grandnom
Environnement, climat, société : face à l'urgence, un manifeste engagé, des pistes concrètes et des exemples actuels et inspirants pour redéfinir une politique de contribution globale positive des entreprises à la société.
Environment, climate, society: faced with the emergency, a committed manifesto, concrete avenues and current and inspiring examples to redefine a policy of positive global contribution of companies to society
Entrepreneur and communicator Céline Puff Ardichvili is a communicator and an entrepreneur. Influencer a bit indignant, Céline pressed "pause" when resuming her studies, to integrate into her profession the challenges of sustainable development, the mechanisms of which she wanted to better understand, in order to act. A managing partner within the Look Sharp agency, she works to give visibility to the actors of change.
Since 2013, and
after returning to university to address topics related to a more responsible economy while practicing her profession, she is working, with her team, to put in the spotlight the actors who are
doing business differently. She is actively involved on the topic of responsible communication and constantly challenges the role the sector plays in the transitions.